#guccigirl @likarigvava for @gucci

Inspired by my hero Keith Haring I thought, lets leave my work behind somewhere.

Like he left his in the subways. I wanted to leave my illustration at some place once a month. And give an illustration away every month. And let people search for it, by the coordinates I give them. The only thing I ask is to follow me on instagram, share and tag me, and show me where my illustration ends up.

And I thought how nice it would be to make someone happy with a free illustration, even if its a small gesture that I give with love. I think in this world it’s really about being willing to share and give something of value away.

@silentmutterings found my #GUCCIGIRL at @kebunbistro in Ubud, Bali

My first #freeartcoordinated was successful. It Felt so good to make someone in the world happy with my fashion illustration. This GucciGirl was found at Kebun Bistro in Ubud, Bali. One of my favorite places in Ubud, because of the unique atmosphere. The lucky winner @silentmutterings has shown his happiness in an artistic way. He is happy with it and i really love that. Congrats!

So wait and see, this month its time again for #freeartcoordinated

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